<html> <!-- [PANOPICT060810.HTM] 01Aug06 - created new from other sources by Scott Baer 25Sep06 - changed to local file source instead of remote IFRAME (GoDaddy.com hosting with higher bandwidth) !--> <head > <title>New Shiner School Construction - August 10, 2006</title> </head> <body> <font size="1" face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> <b> <A HREF="index.htm">New Shiner School Construction</A> - August 10, 2006 </b> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; [ panorama060810.jpg ] <br><br> <img src="panorama060810.jpg" border="1"> <br> &#169;&nbsp;&nbsp;Copyright <A HREF="http://www.baercom.com/">BaerCom</A> - Shiner, Texas&nbsp;&nbsp;2006 <IMG SRC="baerspeckw.gif" WIDTH="9" HEIGHT="7" VSPACE="0" HSPACE="8" ALIGN="ABSMIDDLE"> </font> </body> </html>